I Ferret Your Love

February 11, 2013 § Leave a comment

This weeks Fancy Animal has a friend for Valentines day! Share the love by sharing this blog! Thanks!

FA Ferrets2013

A Valentine Yummy

February 15, 2012 § Leave a comment

Valentines is here and causes many a controversy. There are the lovey couples and the lonely singles. But it doesn’t end there! Some people have ridiculous expectations and others get uncomfortable being flaunted as a date. The drama is high and so is the passion. It’s quite exhausting and many people dread this chocolate eating, red washed holiday. Personally I think that it’s a little crazy to compare yourself with others. Also despite the fact that this is a holiday of romance it’s also a holiday of love. Love comes in all shapes and sized such as; partners, family and friends! Why can’t we celebrate these relations on this holiday of LOVE? The grass may look greener on the other side but you’re not there, your here. If you make the best of your situation and enjoy what you have then you may find it’s a lot more fun! Plus, it’s good to keep honest and level-headed. Be open and clear in your communications with the people around you. If your feeling smothered or neglected by your significant other than say so! It’s better to communicate early then have an outburst later on. Also I think it’s a good idea to let yourself reflect on who you love and why. It’s a good idea to know who in your life sits on your heart and take note. Just like thanks giving, knowing what you have and appreciating your life it important.

Want to share more of the love? There is nothing more inspiring than doing something good! Make a donation, sponsor a child, charity or children’s team. Can’t contribute financially? Why not volunteer, make a difference and share the love. After all, LOVE isn’t just for romance, it’s for everyday life.

All this being put out there, I should mention this is important in my process. Grounding myself and keeping track of what’s important to me is important. Also I need to stop eating so much chocolate! I love making chocolates! I make them for my wonderful husband. The ones bellow are made from dark chocolate with a coffee bean crunch bottom or fudge coffee crunch centre. I added some yellow accents for fun! Aren’t they beautiful?!

Be a Valentine?

January 25, 2012 § Leave a comment

YES! Valentine’s day is about love. However it’s not just for couples but people you love who are of any relation. So let’s show some love with a note to those special someones. I’m making Valentine’s for laughs with, wait for it, Cats with hats! Buy them on my etsy.com page now so you’ll have them for the big day.

I’ve always been inspired by this day. It’s SO IMPORTANT to some people for one of two reasons. #1 They are in love and very insecure. Thus they need to make a big fuss to show off and make their point known to all. ‘A big deal’ is different for everyone but it’s always ‘big’ for them. #2. They feel so unloved the day seems insurmountable and drives them into a chocolate eating frenzy for the perky feeling you get from the zing of caffein. These two reactions are so awkward and uncomfortable (normally out of character too) that it makes me feel the need to draw, draw, draw! Also, I look forward to reduced prices on ginormous chocolate bars the day after.

As for those people who celebrate quietly with their loved ones and give gifts to their best friends and favourite family, I commend you. My husband Richard makes me happy and I like the little day of celebration. It wouldn’t be right now to mention this. But a relationship can never be said as the only relationship worth celebrating. I can’t stress this enough. Love is all around! So go out and love!

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